Monday, July 11, 2011

25~ Looking back on your life...who taught you the most about what love is/isn't?

Damn...when I saw this question, I figured it would be easy because it takes the focus off of me and puts it on someone else in my life, sort of.  But now, I'm at a loss.

I didn't have the easiest childhood.  I mean, I had and did more than most kids my age (went on 3 cruises to Nassau, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, went to 2 World's they even have those anymore...had a car at 16, blah blah blah, siss boom bah, etc) but as far as being shown love, my dad was and is the staple for that and even he had a kind of a warped way about it.  My mom?  Forget about it.  We had a love/hate relationship that I still think about to this day and she's been gone 12 years come next month.

I had boyfriends (as you know, I was with my first one for 5 years) and husbands and I found myself sometimes sabotaging relationships because I didn't know what love truly was.

So I don't know if anyone really showed me what love was.  Hell, I may not even know what it is now.  I do know what it's not and honestly, after all I've gone through these past couple of weeks, I REALLY know what it isn't.

*Sorry this blog isn't up to snuff.  Not really feeling like writing about love right now.  I think Adam Sandler sang it best...


Icnonlybme said...


The God'ess said...

Thanks Mama. *HUG*

No Labels said...

((hugs)) it's all right.

Thee_Kween said...

There's no such thing as a blog in THIS challenge "not being up to snuff" ...this is all about YOU and your feelings. If you wanted to say nothing but, "I ain't learn shit"...then so be it.

*kinda sorta giggling at siss boom bah* ONLY you!