Monday, June 27, 2011

11~ Whom (no names, if you prefer) did you love, who didn't love you back?

Shiiiiid...this list is a mile long and a river deep.

I could write about my first husband who listened to everyone whispering wrong shit in his ear but wouldn't believe a word I said even if I swore on a stack of bibles and 12 previous Popes.  But he's not worth my keystrokes.

I could write about my most recent ex and how he played me like a fiddle in a country band but I've written enough about his squirrel ass in this challenge.  He bores me to tears.  He is the true definition of a non-mutha fuckin' factor.

I could write about the countless dudes I've fallen for that didn't reciprocate but I do have to sleep at some point.

I could even write about my adoptive mother who once told me that I needed to stay with an abusive man because no one else would ever love me with 2 kids.  Or that time told me that she was jealous because my father and I were close.  But I don't want to talk about that.

So I'm gonna bypass this blog.  Not really feeling it.  Sorry.  So let's let Faith sing, shall we?


Anonymous said...

I so totally understand how you feel. Im not really sure I want to revisit mine on this particular blog either. I finally got to a point that I am over him... Though I still find that I have some pent up animosity towards him behind it... I have to see where this blog takes me and if I am able to actually post what I truly feel about that person.

The God'ess said...

Exactly Ms. Blue.

Thee_Kween said...

I understand sis...if it's not in you, it ain't in you.

No Labels said...

Yeah it does depends...if you feel a sense of catharsis when it's all done by all means, scribe it...but if too many negative or hurt feelings come from it, you can choose whether you wish to put it out there or not.

I do understand; I have quite the reject stories myself...

The God'ess said...

This one just took me places I didn't want to go. But being the keeper of my word, I had to write something. *shrug*

LeeLee Aint Msbehavin' said...

I can relate on alot of what you said...

Except for the step motherly advice...

Not cool at all.

The right one wull give you the love that you deserve.


Afrodeezha said...

It's funny...I know I completed this challenge question, but for the life of me, I can't recall what I wrote about.

Talk about being a non-m'fuggin' factor!