Saturday, June 18, 2011

3~ Last/Most Recent Love...what they meant/mean to you...

I really don't want to write about this at all because my most recent "love" doesn't deserve to be spoken about in any way but I made a commitment and therefore, I shall post.

My most recent "love" took place last year.  Dude I met on Yahoo 360 about 4 years ago.  Never paid him any mind back then but I would speak infrequently on his blogs and postings.  Fast forward to last year.  We were friends on Facebook and he posted a funny clip from his radio show and I commented and it started from there.

This niggum had a brilliant mind, a beautiful singing voice and the slickest tongue anyone could have ever imagined.  Made promises that I thought were true at the time and I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I truly thought this "man" loved me like no other but yet, it was all a facade.  A game that he played with me and countless others.

So it's asking me what they meant/mean to me.  Those are two different feelings.  In the midst of the "relationship", he was my world.  He was someone who changed my mind about marriage and my outlook on life.  Now, he could rot in hell for all I care.  But I will say that he taught me that everything that glitters ain't gold and every heart isn't sincere.  He also brought two very special people into my life and for all of that, I say thank you.

You still ain't shit, though.


Thee_Kween said...

I'm SO very mad at you for the pic. LOL


The God'ess said...

Deep down, no you're not. LOL

Thanks Sis.

Thee_Kween said...

LMAO...nah...I won't mad. lol

Afrodeezha said...

Yeah, that's a hard pill to swallow.

Uh the word verification is azzlorpr? Fa real? *giggle* Anyone else see the irony in azz?

The God'ess said...

LOLOL...fits perfectly.

No Labels said...

Niggum...that's funny, but sometimes those individuals are the ones that give us our greatest even if we are straight out mad or that person caused us pain, we have to sit back and thank them for the lessons..."now I know not to look for..."

The God'ess said...
