Saturday, June 18, 2011

2~ Best Love...what they meant/mean to you...

Best love.  Not really sure about this one.  I mean, each of my loves and love affairs had qualities that were better and different that the others but I'll just wing this one.

My best love was my 2nd husband.  Now, everything was far from perfect and we had issues that would have driven most people to divorce after year 2 but we made it work for almost 12 years. This man was my Superman.  He would tell anyone that while he was the brawn, I was the brain and together, you couldn't fuck with us. 6'4, 270lbs of dark chocolate and while he wasn't one to mess with, he had (and still has) the biggest heart and while he would fuss about doing things, he ultimately did them and I ultimately learned how to ignore his fussing.

Even though we aren't together any longer and we live about 2 hours away from each other,  if I need ANYTHING, he has my back and I have his.  All I have to do is call him and it's as good as done.  He's going through some health issues right now but he knows that if he were to call my phone at 3am, I'd be at his door not long afterwards. We still have love for each other but just couldn't live with each other and not everyone can.  But we know that no matter what happens, we're there for each other and that kind of unconditional love is rare.

So thank you KB for being a husband, a lover, a protector, a provider and a friend.


Thee_Kween said...

This seems rare nowadays so this is even more so beautiful. It's good that though people realize they cannot remain married...they still can find the love for each other to remain friends and/or civil.

Icnonlybme said...

Again, another beautiful story. Isn't it crazy how everything else can be just right, as long as everyone can go home?

The God'ess said...

I'm just lucky, I guess. :^)

As the Budda Flows said...

its always good when you can remain friends after any break up...thats a friend for life

No Labels said...

Indeed it is.