Wednesday, June 29, 2011

13~ Do you believe in unconditional love?

Emphatically, YES!!

I know for a fact that God loves me unconditionally.  I know that my kids love me and I love them unconditionally.  My TRUE friends love me unconditionally and I love them the same way.  Now, when speaking about lover-type relationships, I need to explain.

I can and have loved (and to an extent, still love) my exes unconditionally.  But also in the same token, I may not have liked something they did or said.  That didn't make me love them any less but it did make me wonder if they loved me less. That's the only difference between those I listed previously.

So again, yes, I believe in unconditional love.  That's all.  Nothing else.  The end.


Thee_Kween said...

Short, sweet and to the UNCONDITIONAL point! LOL

The God'ess said...

Yep...sometimes less is more.

No Labels said...


Afrodeezha said...

*check* LIKE

LOLOLOL! Mackn? Sometimes these word verifcations are funn-nee!