Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 11 -- A Daydream You Have Often

Easy and simple...

To move out of Bumfuq, NC.

I HATE IT HERE!  Littleton, NC is a place where either you're born here and you never leave or you come here to die. That's it. For a person like me that spent most of her life in Richmond to come here in the prime of her life, maaaaaaaaaan, just shoot me in my pinky toe. 

I know this is supposed to be about what my daydream entails but look at this shit right here:

See that mess? THAT'S what Littleton is known for. This is about 3-5 miles from my house on the main highway that runs through Littleton. A rock garden representing states. Other states that you would rather live in. That's it. Oh it's not...

Hardee' of only two national fast food chains located in this miserable town. Subway is the other and that's located on the other side of Littleton. The rich folks' side by the lake. No McDonald's. No BK. No KFC. For those, you have to go 20+ miles east on the main highway. 

So my daydream consists of packing my shit, putting it in a moving truck, throwing my middle finger up, saying "fuck you" and not looking back...except to visit my dad, my sister and my niece. Sparingly. 


As the Budda Flows said...

LOL girl you better get the hell outta there before you go bananas!!!

The God'ess said...

Girl, I passed bananas 3 years ago. LOL

Thee_Kween said...

Yep, I can attest...she's more like PINEAPPLES! lol

No Labels said...

Wow. Well, there wasn't much in the little town I was from, either. All that was in Summit for a burger place was this local joint called "Star". For McDonalds, KFC, you had to go the next town over.

Lamont C said...

I thought there was a McDonald's everywhere! I guess I was wrong....

The God'ess said...

I think there should be a law that you can't be a locality unless you have a McDonald's.

Reggie said...

Yeah I'm from a small town in Alabama that makes this place look like Chicago or Atlanta.

The God'ess said...

Wow Reggie!!!

ABoyd378 said...


Run Maria, RUN!!!