Monday, October 11, 2010

All I Really Want Is To Be Happy

Again, I had another blog that I was working on but due to unforeseen circumstances, I decided to switch it up again.  

Today, I want to talk about hating on someone's happiness. There have been quite a few instances on Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites where one party has expressed their love for someone and some sad ass sack comes in and tries to spread their diseased-infested nonsense about how lame it is.  Then when the sad ass sack is confronted, they get defensive and go more on a tangent about how terrible the in love party is.   

REALLY?  Is that what we do nowadays when someone we know has found love?  Shiiiiiiid, I'm trying to get what they got and hope that it rubs off on me.  Folks that wallow in self-pity and have no life of their own need to go out and search for what makes them happy, not what makes others miserable.  My friend, Thadd said it best, "There is enough life here for all.....get some...please".  

So I challenge those that are lifeless, hopeless and just plain bitter to go out and find some business of your own to tend to.  Hell, the world is a huge place.  I'm sure there is something out there that would bring a smile to your face and a song to your heart.  But on the off chance you can't do that, at least leave those that are happy alone and we'll make sure to reciprocate the process. 


Thee_Kween said...

*throwing money in the collection basket*

*leaving 10% with the usher*


S.O.A.P. said...

Tapping Da_Kween on the shoulder. Um... u might wanna keep that 10% cause the usher be gettin so scullied erry night at the club he can't even drive home. IJS.... LOL

Okay okay, I CAN be serious dammit!! Seriously... *snickering*
Okay seriously for real....

As usual God'ess you are right on point. So many folks think that someone's else's happiness will keep them from having any. I love Thadd's words there is enough for everyone. You are a smart woman to know that blessings are CONTAGIOUS, so hell yeah we wanna see those around us with something that potentially can rub off on us. Only an idiot doesn't know.
But that's what YOU'RE HERE FOR.
.... in the sexiest manner possible. ;-)

The God'ess said...

Thanks Ladies. I just get tired of folks that thrive off of hating. Sometimes I would just like to ask, "what made you so bitter? On what day in what month of what year did you decide that your life was so miserable and your main goal became to make others miserable with you?" But of course, haters don't know they're haters. Their denial runs just as deep as the Mississip.

Afrodeezha said...

I agree...why is it necessary to say anything at all? I imagine those people to be the ones who speed up when they see a squirrel or rabbit cross the road.

BE Lauriette said...

This internet has made critics out of everybody. I totally agree.