Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blog Blues

I must admit that I am in no mood to blog this evening.  I've just come home from my employer's annual awards banquet and I am more tired than a hooker doing a double shift at a Shriner's convention.  But I will also admit that I do feel guilty when I don't give my all to this challenge.  I made a commitment to do this and even though there's only two days left after this one, I'm spent.

I try to choose my topics carefully and my words even more carefully.  If I wrote each and everything I wanted to write, I would come off as bitter and unhappy about certain things and that's just not who I am or what I do.  I don't really care about hurting other people's feelings because this is my space to write what I want, but some things I would write about would make me look at myself as crazy, so I know a few of you would do the same.

But anyway, that's all I have for now.  I promise to try and make the next two blogs worthy of your time.  Good night, folks.


Thee_Kween said...

Good night, DivaSis...

I fell asleep or on or box-ersation...AND my blog draft. So I am up at 1am trying to write the wrong. (Yes...I said that right) LOL

Reggie said...

"more tired than a hooker doing a double shift at a Shriner's convention"

Now that's tired.

The God'ess said... know you don't have to explain. I'm glad one of us is getting some rest.

@Reggie...Indeed it is.