Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random BS from The God'ess

Since I have absolutely nothing to blog about today (and I'm off to a REALLY late start), I just thought I'd type until I was tired and see how the end result comes out.

Okay, I'm still having trouble just thinking of ANYTHING, let alone a real topic to write about.  I'm sitting here at work, bored as a b*tch, wishing I was somewhere else...anywhere else.  Like, home, getting it in with a sexy Latino dude while he whispers sweet nothings in my ear in Spanish.  Or on a warm beach, drinking an adult beverage out of a coconut while a cute little cabana boy sashays away in the tiniest Speedo possible.  Or in a cabin in the mountains, with the fireplace roaring, sipping some hot cider, gazing into the eyes of a hot Barbadian, whose skin color could rival a Hershey bar, while he's playing the guitar and serenading me.  Or better yet, having all three of those dudes at my favorite hideaway, (I can't tell you where that is because then, you'd be able to find me), having their way with me and me allowing them to do so.

But yet, here I sit in front of this computer, freezing my ass off in this cold building, waiting for the clock to strike 12 and knowing that when I get home, there is no sexy Latino, cute cabana boy or hot Barbadian within a 100 mile radius.  * le sigh*


Thee_Kween said...

Aaaahhh, poor Penelope. Your random is not as random as you think. VERY deliberate in it's themed reference toward man meat. LOL

The God'ess said...

"Man meat"?? WTH? LMAO!

Thanks Sis. Don't know how my mind went a-wandering to that subject. LOL