Thursday, October 14, 2010

Settle Down, Settle Down.

I was visiting a friend's page on Facebook last night when I was supposed to be sleeping and he asked the question should ladies settle when you're younger, older or never?  Now being who I am and having an opinion on EVERYTHING, I just had to answer.  I do think that more younger people settle than older people because when you're younger, you think that you NEED a relationship.  When you get over a certain age, you find that a relationship is nice but not required. 

I will admit that before, I have settled in relationships.  I figured that this dude came up to me, talked somewhat okay and wasn't that hard to look at, so I'd give him a chance.  I will also admit that from age 15-38, I've always had some type of "relationship", whether it was boyfriend/girlfriend, marriage, purely physical or in the last case (which I really don't count but it did take up time in my life and it did mean something at the time), virtual.  But recently, I've realized that a relationship with the opposite sex isn't necessary.  It's nice, but I'm not out here trying to scoop up someone because that's what I'm used to.  Yes, I've had feelings for people and it didn't work out the way I wanted it to but I'm not sitting at home with a gallon of ice cream, crying over what could have been.  I figured either the timing was off, the person wasn't right for me or I wasn't right for them.  Such is life. 

But there are people out there that will settle for someone, even at an older age, because they figure that their time is running down and their options are few and far between.  What the hell is that about?  Isn't it better to be alone and wait for someone that complements you than to say, "oh well, this person showed up, no one else has. Might as well do this"?  I understand that no one likes to be lonely.  But how does one know that as soon as one settles for Mr. or Ms. Eh that Mr. or Ms Right won't come along?  Here you sit, miserable because you couldn't enjoy being single and the right person comes along and you miss them.  Sucks to be you. 

So, here I am, single and alone, and I'm okay with that because I know that one day, Mr. Right is going to come in and swoop me off my feet.  I will have waited patiently and studied diligently and know that he is the one that I've been wanting to share my life with and he will know it too.  And if he doesn't, sucks to be him. 


Thee_Kween said...

*clapping like a seal*

BRAVA, DIVA!!! So very true. I've learned that settling is a knee-jerk reaction of fear. The fear of loneliness...but, when you get older and wiser you understand that the equivalent of being with someone who isn't FOR you...who eventually drifts away from the equivalent of being alone. You can be in a room with someone and still be alone.

I'm with you. I'd rather be single and dangling freely from freedom than to settle into something that will eject me from it sooner or later.

BE Lauriette said...

It takes a lot more courage to sit and wait for the right moment with the right person. I will admit that one. As I got older the fire wasn't as fervent under me to be with someone like when I was in my 20s. That is so true. It's like once you get in your like I'll be okay.

S.O.A.P. said...

I have settled enough already for two lifetimes. :-( I agree, when one becomes older and wiser, one understands the phrase, "I can do bad all by myself, don't need anyone's help with that b.s"