Friday, October 8, 2010

If You're Desperate and You Know It...

I had a whole other blog topic that I was going to write but I think I'll save that for later.  I just saw something on facebook that I've been seeing for awhile and it needs to be brought to light.  Now, if this does not apply to you, cool.  This posting isn't about everyone.  But I'm quite sure we all know at least one person that falls into this category.

Ladies, why must you like and comment on each and every little thing your man says on fb?  Or worse yet, why must you seem a tad bit pathetic and baby-fied (yes, I made it up) when you're trying to get the attention of a dude on fb?  If I see one more "kissy" or "boo-boo-kins" or some other desperate attempt to make a man notice a female, I'm going the hell off right there, on site.  Hell, I can't embarrass you any more than you've already embarrassed yourself so I'm going all in with it.

Are some women that hard up that they have to act overbearing and not be mindful that they look like total and complete asses when they go overboard with that mess?  I refuse to believe that because I can already hear some of you saying to your partner in crime, "Would you look at Flicka over there throwing herself at that man?  It's obvious he doesn't want her so why is she doing it?"  Uh huh...pot, meet kettle.  Stop being so damn accessible and so damn easy.

Now back to the whole liking everything your man does on fb.  I'm all for being supportive of your mate.  I believe that you should stand with your man in whatever endeavors he takes and he should do the same for you.  But for you to sit there and like the comment, "I just took a shit and it came out a foot long" has less to do with you supporting him and more to do with you stalking him.  You're actually trying (and failing, by the way) to make it known that this is your man and wanting to make an appearance wherever he is. Please stop. Your desperation is ringing through loud and clear.  We get it.  He's yours.  I promise you, no one wants him...especially after he's been dealing with you.

Well, I've cleared the air.  I sort of went on a personal tangent towards the end but hey, this is my blog and I'm allowed to do such.


Thee_Kween said...



*holding belly* went IN. Flicka? Really? You're right, but REALLY?

I guess some people just don't know their worth and don't get that it makes them look like they've gotten their heads surgically implanted in their man's rectum. (such loyal suckas ain't they?) I can't imagine what chicks like this would do if the guy actually dumped her. Hmmm...walk around like a chicken with her head still in someone's ass? LOL

The God'ess said...

Yes, I went in. I grow tired of such fuckery.

Afrodeezha said...


BE Lauriette said...

POW! LOL I love it!