Sunday, October 31, 2010

The End Has Come

Well, we made it. The last day of October is here which means the end of the blog challenge. I've enjoyed writing things that have been on my mind, even though the task wasn't easy. I'm happy to also report that I didn't call anyone out on any of my blogs directly, even though 1) I did speak about a few people that wouldn't recognize that they were being talked about even if their names were lighted up like a Broadway sign and 2) I really wanted to and could have.

All-in-all, this experience has been a good one. I got a few things off my chest, I got a few international readers (shout out to my Russian and Canadian readers), and most importantly, I completed what I started. I know my blogs aren't the news-filled, fact-finding blogs that some do, nor are they the gossiping, tell-all types but instead, they are just random thoughts that run through my mind. It's very true what they say...everyone has a story...and I've told mine in the way that I saw fit.

I'm not saying that I won't blog again, but unless something major comes to mind, I'll be hanging up my keyboard for awhile. So I thank you for coming along on my journey with me and I pray that peace and happiness are brought upon you and yours.

Maestro...cue my music...


Reggie said...

Nice post; and a nice ode to The Incredible Hulk too.

Thee_Kween said...

Nice music, kid...

Thank you for participating. I think you'll hang up that keyboard, but it wont be for as long as you think. Now that you have a forum to express yourself that's all yours and NOT Facebook O_O...I think you'll come here from time to time to unload...right? LOL

You did your thing and did it well. Love ya!

The God'ess said...

Reggie, thanks for riding with me.

Kweenie, Maybe I'll blog from time to time. Or maybe I'll just call you and vent. LOL.

Love ya!