Saturday, October 9, 2010

Taking a sick day

I just don't have it in me to blog because I'm not feeling my best this evening.  I'm as cold as a penguin, my breasts are tender and I have a stomachache that would knock Fat Bastard to his knees.  So pardon me as I take the night off.  I'll try to come up with something dazzling tomorrow...but I'm not making any promises.


Anonymous said...

Unacceptable! I demand a real post!

Afrodeezha said...

Join the club...

Thee_Kween said...

At least you said

The God'ess said...

@SW--don't be hard on me tonight. I've had a rough day.

@Dee--thank you Sis.

@Kween--that's all the rules stated. And I'm a stickler for the rules.

S.O.A.P. said...

It was okay...
your post today made up for it.